By default, the vsftpd daemon is inactive or stopped, as shown below. Vsftpd is a daemon, and we need to confirm whether it is running. The extra ‘ -I‘ flag prints out the additional information, as shown below. You can confirm the existence of the vsftpd package by invoking the command: $ rpm -qi | grep vsftpd Once logged in, open the terminal window and invoke the following command to install the vsftpd daemon.
This tutorial will focus on how you can install vsftpd server for FTPS connections. Let’s begin. Vsftpd (very secure FTP daemon) is the default FTP server for Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, NimbleX, Slackware, and RHEL Linux. FTP should only be used if you are not able to use SSH, SFTP, SCP, or rsync and even then, only with encryption enabled (FTPS). For a long time, FTP was widely used as a reliable means of file transfer, but not anymore. FTP is a protocol that facilitates the transfer of files between a client system and a remote server.